To override template defaults when creating an agreement, custom values can be passed into the agreement body based on the type of agreement being sent out.
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{
"template_id": "TEMPLATE_ID",
"owner_email": "OWNER_EMAIL",
"signer_email": "SIGNER_EMAIL",
"agreement": {
"recipient_name": "Recipient Name",
"recipient_email": "RECIPIENT_EMAIL",
"recipient_organization_name": "RECIPIENT_ORG",
"message": "This is the agreement we spoke about.",
"test_agreement": false,
"csa_order_form_attributes": {
"include_fees": true,
"fee_amount": 500,
"fee_period": "month",
"include_fees_other": true,
"include_fees_other_val": "Other fees may apply"
}' ''
This would override any template values for other fees.
To override fees on the fees table, one can instead pass custom values into the fee_attributes keys
"csa_order_form_attributes": {
"fees_attributes": [
"description": "Flat fee",
"fee_type": "flat",
"cost": 50
If the template type does not correspond to the overridden attribute type, the agreement creation will fail.
To retrieve fields specific to an agreement type you can: